1x Smoke machine 900W

From: $35.00

Enhance your DJ lighting and add a special touch to your event with our 900w smoke machine! This is essential when DJ or effect lights are used, as the smoke will create fine particles that hover while light can reflect off and glow and create a beam effect. Without smoke in the air, DJ lights are virtually useless.

Simply plug the machine in, let the fluid warm up and shoot smoke out from any location using our convenient wireless remote!

The smoke machine comes with a full tank of fluid for moderate usage in smaller areas, such as houses or garages. If you require lots of smoke, let us know and we’ll give you extra!

  • 1x 900W smoke machine
  • 1x Power cable (5m)
  • 1x Wireless remote
  • 1x Wired remote (3m)
  • Full tank of smoke fluid

*In our experience, we have never had a smoke machine set off a smoke alarm. We strongly recommend contacting the venue and establishing whether a smoke machine is permitted.
